Diversionary Task Fixation Technique
A passive control and observation technique for subject interaction using task fixation theatrics as a misdirecting focus...
A passive control and observation technique for subject interaction using task fixation theatrics as a misdirecting focus...
A fundamental operational sub-directive of developing and maintaining a clandestine post-presence, adapted into a default habitual mentality.
The Noopel security sensor is a portable, basic yet effective magnetically based alarm system. Designed for doors...
The Hanger Diversion Safe is a covert item hiding safe that conceals under any article of clothing...
As per the management of human assets for operational and intelligence purposes, this series covers the methods...
A conversational tradecraft technique to elicit valuable information from people through both casual conversation and invasive interrogation....
Methods and strategies of moving through urban environments for operational security, escape / evasion, surveillance, and survival.
Emotions define our humanity. But it also gets in our way when we need to be operative,...
When engaging in live close quarters combat (martial arts) in the field, it takes a certain state...
The Mechanix Tempest Gloves are high-end ruggedized and fire-resistant tactical gloves with superior dexterity and high tactility...
Operative guide on the process of and how to conduct a standardized interrogation of suspects under unlawful...
A DIY viewpoint applied to doors for dynamic surveillance of the direct exterior and the security of...