Tactical Stealth Cognizance
The cognitive strategy of underplaying your perceived level of understanding and awareness to heighten your position against...
The cognitive strategy of underplaying your perceived level of understanding and awareness to heighten your position against...
Street smarts and book smarts are two very different things. And while one is not necessarily better...
The dynamic mindset of always having a trick up your sleeve isn’t about attempting to be prepared...
A cognitive tradecraft method of “switching off” your emotions on-demand in moments of chaos or conflict; combat,...
Minding your surroundings is as natural as the senses you use to assess them. It’s how broadly...
A tactician responds, a strategist devises. A tactician wins battles, a strategist wins wars. But wars can...
As a strategy, fear should be realized, understood, respected and even embraced. So you can use it...
Fear is necessary. Even useful when utilized strategically. Such as the activation or reaction of fear into...
A “Jack of all trades, master of none” refers to those who expand their skillsets too broadly...
Resiliency is a key fighting attribute. To be able to quickly recover from the shock and surprise...
A covert operative’s mental technique of learning new information and skills faster while increasing the capacity of...
A tradecraft method of instant decision-making to enact the best situational response during prespecified mission obstacle or...